Perth K9 Coach Dog Training
Please Note: We will CALL you to discuss your requirements.
Behavioural Issues:
Note: We will discuss these issues in more detail when we meet… this is intended to provide us a general overview only…
Please list the Behaviours that concern you (and when you first became aware of them)?
In what general circumstances do the problem behaviour/s occur?
What strategies have you utilised previously in an attempt to correct the behaviour/s?
How successful have these strategies been?
Do you discipline your Dog? If so, please outline your strategies for this ...
If Dog on Dog, or Human-directed Aggression is one of your concerns, please complete the following:
Has your dog bitten and broken skin?
I can usually tell what will ‘set my Dog off’?
The aggressive behaviour is new and uncharacteristic?
Describe a typical episode?
Please note any additional information you feel is relevant and we should know about ...
How did you hear about Perth K9 Coach?